gothic industrial Mixtape music punk 

Brooding Burgundy & The Melancholies

  I’m sure I’m not alone in this, but this time of year always forces me back inside myself to think and contemplate life and its many complexities.   Fall is my absolute favorite season, yet with this amazingly colorful season comes what I like to call The Melancholies.  This year especially, I fear the ever pending winter months ahead. I think back to not so long ago when my dreaded enemy, Depression, had me in its wicked and relentless grip, refusing to release me. I even resorted to going back…

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musings on the fly 

Fall Mood

Here it goes again…   The temperature begins to cool, the sun goes to sleep, and everything in nature begins to die. Yes, it is that time of year again – and I am in a mood.  Nothing fits me better right now than my black jacket, bat-winged black shirt, tired and worn blue jeans (I don’t care if they are snug around my hips and ass), and my favorite pair of (shit kickers) Doc Martens. I ruin one more towel in my bathroom (and stain the sink and floor)…

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musings poetry 

Passenger [Poetry]

Sitting back relaxed Driving the wind tossing my hair 55 miles per hour smells of autumn leaves changing I feel these changes inside as I realize for once I am writing my story instead of watching it performed before my eyes. Movie plots run through my mind – what will they say of me when I am gone? Let me choose the actors – my leading man, my friends and enemies the drama and excitement – I will create my own chaos. The people I see day after day know…

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