Cynical Bitch [Poetry]
I’ve taken the skid from
hopeful romantic
to cynical bitch;
it’s so much easier to go through life
without the burden of
sappy emotions.
It’s almost illusive.
I am my own best friend and
love of my life.
No one could possibly fathom the depth
Of my emotions
I don’t think I will ever find
a man
that can truly handle
All that I Am.
Disappointments are a thing of the past for me
With this new voice and attitude
towards love and relationships.
I don’t buy into the illusion –
Delusion –
that there is someone out there
for everyone.
Dean-o sang about
You’re nobody ‘til somebody loves you –
Crock of shit.
I just want a warm body lying
next to mine
once in a while
maybe even on top of me
or below me
depending on my mood
But I don’t need the hassle of emotions
Right now at least…
Maybe someday.
Will it ever come?
Until then I walk alone
Solo – this I am used to…
But I am never