John Hughes Movie Romance Pretty in Pink classic alternative Mixtape musings relationships 

John Hughes Movie Romance

Deep down inside I still want the fairy tale/rom-com/John Hughes movie romance and happily ever after, even though I know it does not exist. 

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dating woes musings of Laura Bock musings relationships 

Why I’m Destined to be Alone – NSFW

The relationship gods do not like me – I am convinced of this fact.     After years of not being in a (conventional) romantic relationship, I’ve grown used to my solitary life – and I love it. I come and go as I please, sleep diagonally in my queen-sized bed, and never have to worry about the toilet seat being left up. I can leave feminine products out on the bathroom counter, hang clothes and delicates to dry in the shower and don’t have to worry about anyone accidentally/on…

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classic alternative gothic industrial life Mixtape music new wave rock 

Forbidden Fruit: A Lustful Mix

Love and sex makes the world go ’round – it’s a fact of life – and they offer for a lot, if not most, song lyrics.  Love. Lust. Passion. Where would we be without them?  What about kink and corruption? Now we’re talking… What is it about the forbidden fruits that make them so much more sweeter to taste? I think it is human nature to have some deviant desires. Of course I consider myself the unofficial queen of unconventional relationships, at least in my circle of friends. It’s no secret I’ve…

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