life musings on the fly relationships 


Normality is conformity But what is normal?   This is all I can recall off the top of my head of a poem I wrote back in high school. Unfortunately, my poems and writings from those days are forever lost on a 5 1/4” floppy disk formatted to the classic Macintosh computers of the late 1980’s. I wrote that poem in response to Mom-ster, along with the administrators and select teachers in high school that tried to get me to be “normal” and conform to their standards.   I knew…

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life musings poetry 

Forgiveness [poetry]

                  Sometimes you think you know someone But the someone you know Is a LiE   For years Blinded ToNs of LieS & DeCeiT   Then one day You open your eyes to The TruTh & it is blinding almost consuming & you feel as if you are going to die with the iLLuSioN & the hand that grabs you back up into ReALitY is your own   [ForGivEneSS]   I’ve come to realize WaiTinG for an apology from any of them…

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life musings on the fly 

Emotional Limbo

  Lately, I am feeling some sort of way that escapes words.   I’m teetering between memories and dreams, tears and joy; feeling the overwhelming need to either escape myself or crawl into my mind and rummage around.   It’s an emotional limbo – I’m in the void.   The destructive feelings of uncertainty and inadequacy haunt me, along with the voices from family – “What are you thinking? This simply cannot be done. Get your head out of the clouds!” I must push back and persevere. I’ve fought too…

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