New Moon Transition

virgo new moonI love this transitional time of year – the one between summer and autumn.

During this magical time of year, here in Ohio we can experience days from 90 degrees with 89% humidity to 65 degrees and crisp cool winds the next.

You really have to have tough skin to live in Ohio, especially winters in Northern Ohio. The sunlight percentage is so low that most everyone experiences a Vitamin D deficiency, particularly from November to late March.

This is why late August through mid-September is one of my favorite times of year – just the right amount of sun, beautiful warm days and crispy cool nights. The leaves are just beginning to make their yearly change in colors, painting an entirely different landscape by the first official day of autumn.

There are amazing sunsets here, especially along the Lake Erie shores, particularly during summer and fall. Mother Nature dances the light fantastic across the atmosphere in glistening colors ranging from pinks and purples to deep reds and blues. Those evenings I get to experience a sunset, giving it my full attention, I am swept away into a state of wonder and contentment. Such magnanimous splendor. 

We are continually in a state of transition, just like the seasons.

Tonight marks the new moon in Virgo, along with a solar eclipse. I’m a moon child; I’ve always been fascinated with the phases of the moon and the effects it can have on our lives. Solar eclipses signify new beginnings, as do new moons – so tonight is a double power-packed whammy of positive energy I plan on utilizing in my life. Transition in its purest definition.

My leaves are already starting to turn colors – magnificent and stunning colors.

The cooler temperatures and rain force me to stay indoors today and find ways to keep myself occupied. I am always soul-searching and reaching for more enlightenment. This will never change. It is days like this which force me inside myself.

I will never be perfect – simply put, perfection doesn’t exist. I am imperfectly perfect.

I have tons of to-do lists I make almost daily, but they are mostly for my job. It’s time I made a to-do list focused on myself. It’s time to turn my focus inside myself and heal the wounds deep inside my soul.

Making a to-do list of things I want to accomplish in the next six-months is my first list to tackle.

Crafting this list is easy. I’m a writer, and when I make lists of goals, I always try to follow each item on my list with mantras to aid me in reaching the goal.

What I need to change about my lists are the worry and self-doubt I experience when I start to fashion my plan of attack to make these goals a reality. Positive thinking and mantras alone will not manifest each goal, although it makes it possible to believe and accomplish in my mind.

So tonight, during this new moon, I will light some incense and a few candles, queue up a soothing and ethereal playlist and start my list of goals, but mostly I will meditate on releasing my worry, anxiety and control of exactly how I want things to go.

Ego gets in the way and makes a clear path to success a rocky and turbulent one. The only way to conquer it is to release it all.

Positive thinking, mantras, intention and action combined cause goals to manifest in splendor and magnificence. I pray for peace of mind as I embark upon another great transitional journey in my life. I urge you, my beautiful readers, to take some time to feed your soul tonight as well. 

Love and positive energies to all!