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Sitting back relaxed
the wind tossing my hair
55 miles per hour
smells of autumn
leaves changing
I feel these changes inside
as I realize for once
I am writing my story instead of
watching it performed
before my eyes.
Movie plots run through my mind –
what will they say of me
when I am gone?
Let me choose the actors –
my leading man,
my friends and enemies
the drama and excitement –
I will create my own chaos.
The people I see
day after day
know not of the thoughts running
in my head.
Me, the passenger –
passing through time and space
[but only in my mind.]
These thoughts on paper will be my legacy.
And everyone will say,
“yes I remember her, where did she go?”
Oh yes, I wonder
what will they say of me
When I am
dead & gone?
Practice good karma & SHARE!
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